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Title Sort ascending Contributions by this author
Kylie Jarrett Putting the inalienable to work: Labour and life in contemporary capitalism
Kye Askins From enthusiasm to exhaustion: A day in the life of a Human Geography lecturer
Krzysztof Herman Practices in low-budget landscape architecture
Kristofer Severinsson Exploring the virus metaphor in corruption theory: Corruption as a virus?
Kristin Carls Affective labour in Milanese large scale retailing: Labour control and employees' coping strategies
Kristian Bondo Hansen Weird science and datafication
Kornelia Trytko The exposure of Kataryna: How Polish journalists and bloggers debate online anonymity
Konstantin Stoborod Hosting emergence with hospitality, The dark side of management: Gerard Hanlon in dialogue with ephemera, Did you hear the one about the anarchist manager?
Klaus Harju Saudate, to be at home without a home
Kirsty Janes The one and the many: How threshold phenomena breach subject boundaries
Kirsten Locke The playable university
Kim Trogal Repair matters
Kim Humphery Digital consumer activism: Agency and commodification in the digital economy
Kieran Keohane Talk and silence: Instantiations and articulations
Kiera Chapman Theorizing the cynical professional: the public interest, urban planning, and the limits of ideology critique
Kiely Flanigan Adams The discursive construction of professionalism: An episteme of the 21st century*
Khang Lê Neoliberalism in a socialist state: Political economy of higher education in Vietnam
Kevin Pijpers Grooving matter(s): ‘Taking measure’ through touch
Kevin Casper ‘I’m so glad you’re fake!’: Simulacra slapstick and the limits of the real
Kerstin Jacobsson Sorting people in and out: The plasticity of the categories of employability, work capacity and disability as technologies of government
Kenneth Weir The dark side of management: Gerard Hanlon in dialogue with ephemera, Buying the Splat Pack, Open secrets
Kean Birch Peak neoliberalism? Revisiting and rethinking the concept of neoliberalism, Market vs. contract? The implications of contractual theories of corporate governance to the analysis of neoliberalism
Kaya Barry Viral mobilities and infrastructures of breathing in hotel quarantine, Australia
Katrina Petersen On anonymity in disasters: Socio-technical practices in emergency management
Katie Vann On the valorization of informatic labour
Katie Rose Sullivan Producing professionals: Exploring gendered and embodied responses to practicing on the margins*
Kathryn Keating Revisiting precarity, with care: Productive and reproductive labour in the era of flexible capitalism
Kathi Weeks Life within and against work: Affective labor, feminist critique, and post-Fordist politics
Katharina Pilhofer Diversity and difference research: A reflection on categories and categorization
Katerina Psarikidou Rethinking innovation through a moral economy lens: The case of alternative agro-food and mobility practices
Kate Soper The dialectics of progress: Irish ‘belatedness’ and the politics of prosperity
Kate Kenny Academic activism, The battle for the whistleblower: An interview with John Kiriakou, Free work, The effect of affect: Desire and politics in modern organizations, Constructing unknowers, destroying whistleblowers
Kate Burt Writing dangerously: Creating fictional narratives as an alternative form of critique within business schools
Kaspar Villadsen Laughing for real? Humour, management power and subversion
Karolina Parding New conditions for identities, cultures and governance of welfare sector professionals: The teaching profession
Karolina Mikołajewska-Zając Sharing as labour and as gift: Couchsurfing as an ‘affective enterprise’, Escaping Wonderland

All Issues

| vol. 23, no. 2
| vol. 23, no. 1
| vol. 22, no. 3